
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Island at the end of the World

Aaaand we're back!
       Been a little busy between school work and job hunting but I'm back with a new book!

This is about a man and his three children living on an island after a great flood  wiped out their home and the rest of the world. The man and his children, Alice, Finn, and Daisy,  lead a peaceful life filled with music and farming. Things are going smoothly and everyone is happy, until a stranger appears on the island. His presence threatens to turn everything upside down. Told from both the father's point of view and his two oldest children, this story is captivating and terrifying all at once.
I thought the story was interesting, but there were a few things that didn't make a lot of sense to me. The creation of the island is one thing. Other than that the story is suspenseful and a definite winner.

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