
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Maze Runner

Finally got into The Maze Runner series. The first book is about a boy  whose memory has been completely wiped out. He can't remember his family or where he came from. All he knows is that his name is Thomas. Thomas is brought to a place called the Glade, a community surrounded by a giant maze where vicious creatures called Grievers roam. With him are 50 other teenage boys who also have no recollection of their previous lives. Every month a new boy is brought to the Glade through a lift. However, a few days after Thomas arrives a girl is sent up. With her she brings a message that turns the boys' world crashing down.

I actually liked this a lot more than the Hunger Games (don't get me wrong Katniss Everdeen is amazing!) The story didn't slow down at all and I was kept on edge throughout the entire book. A must read for fans of The Hunger Games trilogy!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dr. Sleep

And finally the much awaited review of Dr. Sleep. This is the sequel to Stephen King's The Shining and is focused on the grown-up Dan Torrance. Dan discovers that there are others just like him. He meets Abra Stone, a girl with abilities much stronger than his. Unfortunately for Abra a tribe of RV travelers known as the True Knot know about her as well. They take steam from the children who have the shining. Their eyes are set on Abra and they won't stop until they have her.
Honestly I liked The Shining a lot better. Dr. Sleep was interesting and it was nice to see what became of Dan Torrance. But the story was lacking something and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. One thing I really loved about the story was the theme of redemption and the idea that we all have the power to change.